Autonome London 1-1 Coaching
What is coaching?
Coaching is about understanding yourself and reaching your goals.
We start by working to understand you as a person, what motivates you, and what slows you down.
We then work to define what your goals are and develop a plan of action to reach them.
Motivations and Resistances
There can be many times in life when we feel “stuck”.
It can become very difficult to take action, or to take the right action, or to stop taking an unhelpful action.
And from those actions and related outcomes, we begin to form an opinion of ourselves and our place in the world.
AutonoMe coaching explores all the elements of this dynamic as a wise yet humble guest in a world in which the person is the ultimate expert.
Is coaching therapy?
No. Therapists are licensed medical professionals that are trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses as described in medical guidance texts, such as the DSM-5. They can assess, diagnose, and develop treatment plans for things such as depression, anxiety disorders, and other illnesses that have been scientifically researched in western psychological science.
Coaches do not diagnose or treat medical mental illnesses, and coaching is not a replacement for treatment of medical mental illnesses under the care of a therapist (the two often work side-by-side with clients). However, coaching does overlap with therapy in many ways, including use of evidence-based dialectical and motivational interviewing methods to educate and guide clients on a path of healing and self-understanding.
Coaching differs from therapy in the scope of engagement with the client. Therapy’s scope typically ends at a client’s baseline of being, offering weekly check-ins to help digest the emotions of life events. Coaching goes beyond this baseline, working to define and establish further goals, walking with them on the path to those goals, and helping to understand and resolve new resistances along the way.
Coaching is a certified and accredited profession, however the field of certification is developing. Kelly has been trained and certified under supervised practice with real clients by HGI Institute, founded by Harvard psychiatrist Dr. Alok Kanojia.
What are your methods?
AutonoMe coaching utilises evidence-based western and eastern psychological science applications to facilitate self-understanding, psychoeducation, and progress in the directions that clients choose.
We begin by meeting clients where they are through dialectical conversations, working to understand as much as possible about the clients experience of themselves and the world, and discovering where these experiences come from. Concurrently, we work with the client to answer a question about each other: “Can we walk together on this journey?”
We then work with clients to discover where they want to go, what their motivations are toward that desintation, what their motivations are away from that same destination, and what amounts of each are there.
We then begin to unravel and learn about the mechanics of the past, present, and future factors that affect motivation, and develop a plan to move forward, even by only the tiniest step.
As we encounter resistances along the path, we pause and similarly begin the process again, ultimately forming a partnership that is 100% focused on the client’s care and progress.
We highly recommend weekly 1-hour engagement at a minimum, as psychological and neuroscientific research has shown that less than this amount begins to severely limit the onboarding of helpful learning and practices.
Pricing is always determined on a per-client basis.